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Tadasana- The Mountain Pose

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How to do it:-

1. Stand erect with legs together and hands by the side of the thighs. Gaze in front.

2. Raise your hands straight in front up to arms. Palms should face each other.

3.Bring the hands up straight foward towards the sky, fingers pointing upward.

4. Now slowly raise your heels and stand on toes. Raise heels as much as you can. Stretch body up as much as possible.

5. While returning to the original position, bring your heels on the ground first.

6. Slowly bring down your hands also.

7. While raising your toes try to feel the air rising from your toe to head and while exhaling, i.e. going down , feel the air going down your body.

Benifits of Tadasana:-

1. Erects your spine and give you a good posture.

2. Helps in increasing your height but of-course only if you are less than 25 years of age.

3.Visceroptosis and pain in the backbone is removed.

4. Relieves sciatica and Strengthens thighs, knees, and ankle.


1. Those having reeling sensations should abstain from it.

2. This is a balancing exercise so you should not show any haste and try to do only upto the point that you do not lose your balance.


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