Siddhasana Or The Perfect Pose is one of the most popular meditation postures and is so called because one attains the perfection in Yoga. The positions of the legs and the hands in this asana also contain the body energies by closing the circuits and allowing awakened vital forces to remain in the system during meditation practice.
How to do it:-
1. Sit down with both legs outstretched.
2. Bend the left knee and place the sole of the left foot against the right thigh so that the heel touches the perineum.
3. Bend the right knee and put the right heel against the public bone
4. Keep hands with palms open if done between sunrise and sunset; otherwise reverse the palms.
5. The spine should always be held erect.
1. It is helpful in developing the concentration level and for clarity of mind.
2. It is also helpful if you are having problems like wet dreams and moreover is used as the ideal posture for doing meditation and Pranayam.
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