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Padmasana or The Lotus Pose

This Padmasana is mainly for the meditation purpose and this is a kind of trademark yoga pose. However, this is not as simple as it seems and novices should try to use alternative sitting poses for meditation.

How to do it

1. Sit with both of your legs outstretched.

2. Now fold the knee of your right leg and bring your right ankle to the left hip crease with the sole of the right foot facing upwards.

3. Now settle the foot there.

4. Now repeat the same step with left foot below the right one.

Advanced:- Once you have mastered this, try to place your palms beside your body and try to lift your butt from the ground and rock your body back and forth.

Beginners:-Those who are new to this should try the Ardha-Padmasana or The Half Lotus Pose at beginning and slowly try to make it to full.


1. It is said to be the ultimate hip opener.

2. It stimulates the pelvis, spine,abdomen,bladder and ankles and knees as well.

3. It helps in mensturat cycle and also eases the process of child-birth in women , if practiced late in pregnancy.

4. This is the ultimate and the best pose for meditation and some of the traditional texts have it as leading to the awakening to the Kundali.


1. This should be avoided in case of knee or ankle injury.

2. Beginners should not just start it but follow a step by step method by first starting to attempt Ardha-Padmasana or The Half Lotus.


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