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Sarvangasana literally means a pose that exercises full body parts. The pose has significant benefits. It is Yoga’s inverted pose which extremely beneficial for entire body. The pose helps in conditions like, Hypothyroidism, hypertension, constipation and many others. The pose specifically stretches stress areas like neck and lower back.


1. Lie down on your back, both arms by the side
2. Raise your both legs to 90 degrees
3. Lift your hips slowly and place your hands on the hips. Remember Sarvangasana is shoulder stand position so your body should rest on your shoulders and not on your back.
4. Keep your feet straight without bending your knees.
5. Stay in the position for 45-60 seconds, don’t force yourself
6. Do not move your head while in the position
7. Slowly place your hands again on the floor and return to 90 degree position
8. Slowly come to the normal position and relax for few seconds.


1. Stimulates thyroid gland and improves its functions
2. Massages neck and lower back ares
3. Improves blood circulation in chest, shoulders, neck and back
4. Helpful in reducing varicose veins by directing blood from in upward direction.
5. Directs blood flow to heart

DO NOT practice Sarvangasana in case of
1. Menstruation as it reverses blood flow
2. High blood pressure, heart problem, hernia, cervical spondylitis and kidney disorder
3. Neck ,back or shoulder injury


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