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Shirshasana or The Head Stand Pose

This is one of the most powerful asanas and is considered to be the king of all asanas due to its effect on all the major things. This may be difficult for the beginners but still it is worthy to give it a try and regular practice will always help you do it.

How to do it:-

1.Sit in a kneeling position with the buttocks resting on the heels of the feet.

2.Lean forward and place the forearms on the floor in front while keeping the elbows about shoulder distance apart. Interlock the fingers of both hands.

3.Place the top of the head flat on the floor with the back of the head pressed against the inside of the interlocked fingers.

4. Placing the tips of the toes firmly on the floor while lifting the heels, raise the knees off the floor.

5. Hold for the duration of the held inhaled breath. When you can't hold the breath comfortable any longer, slowly exhale and return the back to the floor, slide the legs out straight returning to the shava-asana.


1. As this leads to more blood flow in the brain, it leads to good memory and intelligence.

2. It also helps in improved working of endocrine glands, the Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid and Pineal glands.

3. It is helpful in problems related to any sort of non or dis-alignment of spine.

4. It helps in sound sleep and also checks the health condition like tension, fatigue, nervousness, insomnia, amnesia, fear, headache, constipation, Asthma, spleen or liver disorders and congestion of throat. As the blood circulation to the scalp is increased, it promotes hair growth.

Precaution:-For Beginners, this asana should be done in the presence of an instructor or someone who can support you or against a wall.


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