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Dhanurasana, or Bow pose , is a yoga pose in which the practitioner lies on their belly, grabs their feet, and lifts the legs into the shape of a bow. Dhanurasana is also called Urdva Chakrasana.

How to do it:-

1. Lie down with your stomach facing down.

2. Bring your feet up by bending your knees.

3. Try to hold your ankles with your hands.

4. Breathe IN.Using your hand try to pull your feet so as to raise thighs and simultaneously raise your head , shoulder and chest of the ground.

5. Look up.

6. Hold this pose for around five to eight seconds, more if possible.

7. Your body would be in the shape of a bow, with only your stomach and pelvic area resting on the floor with the entire weight falling on your navels.

8. For those who can do this easily, they can try to rock their body back and forth , but this should not be practiced by the beginners.


Benefits :

1. It improves digestion.

2. Strengthens spine and thigh muscles.

3. Stretches neck, shoulders and arms.

4. Regulates pancreas gland and is highly beneficial for diabetic patients.

Precautions:- It should not be practiced by those having backaches or cervical pain.


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